Just a small update to bump some dependencies that were preventing using Scriptorium on the latest Gleam
stdlib. This now requires the latest stdlib to work.
I've been lately moving stuff to my own little home server, and now Scriptorium's repository has also been moved. It's
now available as a Forgejo instance at
git.ahlcode.fi/nicd/scriptorium. The GitLab repository has accordingly been
You can sign up to my instance by using a GitHub or GitLab account, so no real new account is needed (and
indeed you cannot register a regular account). When Forgejo enables federation features, you can hopefully contribute
from any Forgejo instance.
In case you don't want to make an account but have something to contribute, don't hesitate to contact me via other means
such as on the Gleam Discord server or on the fediverse. Let's make it work. :)
This demo blog still resides on GitLab, as it uses GitLab Pages to be published. I don't have CI on my instance yet, so
this will have to be moved later.
Tähän mennessä Scriptoriumilla on voinut kirjoittaa vain yhdellä kielellä, joka on ollut
konfiguroitavissa globaalisti. Uusimmassa versiossa blogimoottoriin on lisätty tuki kielen
vaihtamiseen jokaiselle tekstille tai sivulle erikseen. Hurraa! Tämä tapahtuu asettamalla
postaukselle tai sivulle otsikkotieto lang, esimerkiksi lang: fi.
Tämän lisäksi koko generoidun blogin voi nyt kääntää Gettextillä. Jos valitset kieleksi
"fi", sivuston kiinteät tekstit kuten "Posted at"
vaihtuvat suomeksi. Kielitiedostot voi kääntää ja ladata itse, tai ne voi lisätä
Scriptoriumin koodipohjaan jotta kaikki voivat hyötyä niistä.
And the same in English: Up until now, Scriptorium has only supported one language for
the entire blog. In the latest version (2.0.0), a header such as lang: fi
can be added to change the language of a single post. This affects the generated HTML
and the Atom feed.
In addition, all the fixed strings in the generated site can now also be translated
using Gettext. The user can do the translations themselves with their own translation
files, or they can be contributed to the main project to be available for all.
This morning I formally published Scriptorium 1.0.0 (and 1.0.1, and
1.0.2 😅). The library now has API docs and a quickstart guide, but the full
user's guide is still a work-in-progress. For now if there's any
prospective user, they can contact me directly for assistance (I'm Nicd in the Gleam Discord). There's
still surely some CSS and bug fixes to do, and some refactoring.
This is the Scriptorium demo blog. This blog will contain news about
Scriptorium, and the user's guide. It also works as a demonstration of a simple blog setup. You can
find this blog's code also on GitLab.